Today on the Today Show they had a woman who travels the country with a huge chalkboard titled..."I wish I had the courage to..." and then you fill in the blank.  I thought to myself "what would I write if I stood in front of that board?"...right off the bat, I had a hard time being honest with myself, so I guess the first thing I would say...

I wish I had the courage to be honest with myself
then, I wondered what else??
Here goes...

I wish I had the courage to go back to school
I wish I had the courage to be adventuresome
I wish I had the courage to do things by myself
I wish I had the courage to write a book
I wish I had the courage to be a little more independent 
I wish I had the courage to try and fail, but at least try

Its been a wonderful week leading up to Mother's Day and then Mother's Day weekend...its been wonderful because I have spent it with a couple of my children!! 

To start the week off right Hillary and Quentin came to visit on Thursday...we had such a fun fun time.  Spent the weekend in Monterey at the aquarium, Q seemed very uncomfortable with most if not all of the sea creatures.

From the aquarium we went to the beach...windy, cool but sunny and the kids loved it!!

Saturday we went to San Francisco to a Giants game...AWESOME seats and perfect weather!

During the week we went to a park called Happy Hallow...Q wasn't too happy most of the time as again, there were animals that he wasn't really interested in getting to know better!!

Friday the doorbell rang and a HUGE surprise was smiling back at me....Haylie!!  What a wonderful wonderful surprise!!!  Don and Haylie planned this weeks ago and what a nice surprise for me!!!

We drove down to Santa Cruz on Saturday...sunny, cool and windy...but beautiful for sure!!!
Sunday was Mother's Day Which means my missionary gets to call home!  Doesn't he look great and he sounded just as great!  I miss him so much but I am so proud of him and he is loving being in Guatemala!!  Tomorrow are transfers, his companion is going home, so changes are in his future!

Mom, mother, mommy, grandma....those are my favorite words in the whole english language!!

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