Wow...where to begin??
This page has been blank for the past two or three months, I’m just not sure what exactly to say...I’m busy?  

My day begins when the alarm rings at 4:30 am.  We hit it once before we actually pull ourselves out of bed, once lunches are made I’m off to the gym.  I work out typically from 5 -’d think I’d be skinny huh, go figure.  I come home, spend an hour with Andrew before he heads to the bus, shower and get started on my chores or errands.  

Monday mornings I go to institute, Tuesdays we are going to start going to the temple.
Wednesday’s are late start for school, so I don’t do too much but hang around the house doing odds and ends.  Fridays we, Suzie, Melissa, Sue, Kris and I go down to the Madd Scrapper and scrapbook, have lunch and enjoy good conversation!  We try to solve all the worlds problems, but come up short, so we have to try again the next week.  

Friday night is “Date Night” for Don and I...we try not to let anything get in the way of that!  The weekends we spend most of our time together as a family running errands and many weekends going to the movies.  
Sundays we changed church time to 11:00...yeah, sleep in.  After a great dinner,  Haylie, Hillary or Andrew make a yummy treat and we watch a movie together.

I have a great life, some days are busier than others, but I love being home for my kids and I appreciate Don working so hard to make it possible for that to happen.

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