So Andrew really knocked it out of the ball park when he worked it out and got us tickets to attend General Conference.  He got tickets to the Priesthood session and then the Sunday morning session.  Haylie had come down to hang with us, but was going to hook up with friends and get in the standby line with hopes of getting in to conference.  While eating breakfast her friend texted and said they wouldn't make it up to Salt Lake in time to get in...immediately Don said, "Haylie have you ever been to conference?" she said "no" and he told her to take his ticket, that he had gone last night to Priesthood so she should take his ticket.  He started crying I'm sure with the thoughts that she would have a wonderful experience.  I started laughing at him in the most loving way or course...he has such a tender and soft heart!!  When I kissed him goodbye at the airport I called him a cry baby, but let him know I wouldn't want him any other way!! We did have a wonderful experience!!  Thanks dad and Andrew!!

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